Sello Dhlabo, widely known as Sauda among his peers, is a Tanzanian-born Documentary and Street Photographer currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Despite lacking formal training in photography, Sauda has skillfully carved his niche, drawing inspiration from renowned photographers such as Kevin Carter and Santu Mofokeng. Sauda's work has been featured in several notable exhibitions.

He participated in two group exhibitions hosted by the Joburg Fringe at the Art Room
in Parkhurst. Additionally, he had the honor of presenting a solo exhibition titled "The Forgotten People" at The South African State Theatre. His commitment to social causes is evident through his contribution to the “Save the Six Museum” campaign, where one of his photographs was sold to support the museum's preservation. Sauda continually seeks opportunities to enhance his knowledge and skills. His goal is to better tell the stories of the underrepresented and inspire critical reflection among viewers.